Director(A&P) Message

Director(A&P) Message

Dr. S.Vijay Mohan Rao, Director

Every institution success depends on educational planning. Planning in Education is an extremely important activity as it forms the basis of all programmes of quantitative and qualitative improvement in education. Academic Planning allows students the opportunity to create a strategic academic roadmap. Planning is the process of preparing a set of discussions for action in future directed at achieving goals. Personal educational program that will allow the students to achieve their educational and aspirational goals while also fulfilling institution requirements, such as particular learning standards or credit and course requirements for graduation in SVMR College.

I believe that without planning, an individual or a society, an institute or a nation cannot prosper. Educational planning implies taking of decisions for future actions with a view to achieving predetermined objectives through the optimum use of scarce resources. Institutional planning is a part of educational planningensures better and more fruitful results.

To improve the quality of education from its very base our SVMRinstitution plan its development on its own individual lines within the broad framework of national policy on education. For this SVMR management concentrate on Improvement of the college campus, improvement of academic facilities, Organization of remedial teaching for slow learners, Method of teaching, training for subject teachers, Organizing of seminars, conferences, improvement of co-curricular activities, Orientation course etc. in the institution.

Hence, I emphasize you that, your career is completely your responsibility. It is up to you to make the planning as well as take all the required actions to get the training and education which will help your career arrangements. For this you will get assistance from qualified teachers, career counsellor or advisor in SVMR college can tell you about planning and strategy for your career, how to get the information you require, how to deal with obstacles, how to plan for your present and future training and education and remember, right through your life, you must take all the judgments of your career. You also need to produce the results which support your objectives. It’s in your hands to control and steer your own fortune.

All the best,

Dr.S.Vijay Mohan Rao
Director (Academic & Planning)